Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Hopefully, you have read this blog from beginning to end and that your readings have included my very first post (content warning)......if not STOP right now and go back to the beginning and start over. This post will fall into the "opinionated" category very easily. The controversy of same sex marriage is really a hot topic. So, of course I am going to chime in with my 50 cents worth.

I am not real liberal and I tend to lean more to the Republican side of the aisle when it comes to most political issues. Do I support Obama and think he is doing a good job as our president? No, I don't. I think he is failing miserably. Am I in favor of gun control? HELL no! Do I understand the 2nd amendment? Your damn right I do. Yes, I am a member of the NRA and also a pretty crack shot with both long guns and hand guns, (thanks Daddy). Do I support the death penalty for rapist, molesters and murderers? Oh yeah, I surely do. Lock em up and light em up. Do I think Pot should be legalized and taxed? Yes, I do. (Not many children of the 70's and 80's would be against this one). Illegal immigrants? Pack em up and send them home. ProLife or ProChoice? Even I am smart enough not to tackle that one. Even with my feelings on the above issues, there is one topic that I am fairly liberal on and that is the subject of same sex marriage.   

I love my husband, so we were married. Would my feelings be any different if I had fallen in love with another woman? No, they wouldn't, I just wouldn't have to put the seat down to pee. Would I still be someone you enjoy being around? I don't see why not, I am who I am, who I sleep with wouldn't change my basic personality. Would my ability to be a productive member of the work force change because of who I share my life with? No, it wouldn't. Would my ability to serve in the military be any different because of my sexual preference? No, it wouldn't. Should same sex couples be allowed to adopt? Hell yes! Should they be allowed to get married? Again, Yes! Sexual orientation isn't something we can or should try to legislate. Man + Woman = Family isn't the only option, nor should it be the only recognized union. 

I am a firm believer in equal rights. I believe a woman doing the same job as a man should receive the same pay. I believe the color of my skin should have no bearing at all on my ability to attend church, go to college, or join the work force. And when I say "equal" rights, that is exactly what I mean. I expect fair treatment of all. We should demand that all American Citizens are treated equally and fairly. Ethnicity shouldn't be an issue. Sexuality shouldn't be an issue. Gender shouldn't be an issue. My physical limitations shouldn't be an issue. My proven skills and future abilities should be the only issues under consideration when someone decides where I should be and what I can/can't do. On the other hand, I get really sick of groups that demand more for themselves than what my family or I am able to get. Equal rights to me means you get to enjoy all the so called "perks" as well as deal with all the shit everyone else has to deal with. Don't you DARE ask me for special consideration because you fall into a so called minority. Deal with it, just like we all do. 

I am not going to get into all the biblical implications of same sex marriage. Separation of Church and State folks! It's in there for a reason. The whole argument is the legalization of same sex marriage, not the religious implications. Honestly, doesn't our government have enough troubles to worry about than who is married to whom? I would much rather see our government tackling the economy, illegal immigration, elder care, welfare reform, etc. This whole thing is just such a waste of time, energy and resources. Let people marry whomever they choose. If Suzi chooses Hubby to marry, fine. If Jill chooses to marry Jane, fine. If Jack wants to marry William, so be it. How on earth does it effect the neighbors? What harm does it really cause? 

I realize not everyone will agree with my opinions on same sex marriage or equal rights, and I don't ask you to.  It is my God given ability to have an opinion, the same as you. The world would be awful boring if we all agreed on everything. I could go on and on about this but I think my views are pretty clear: Same sex marriage isn't an issue that politicians and judges should be involved in. 

Happy Tense Tuesday folks!