Monday, March 25, 2013

Lent..a season of sacrifice or a season of Giving?

The last several years, being the good little Catholic girl that I am, instead of giving up a favorite food or drink I have tried to give up certain middle finger actions or verbalization of certain words. Last year during Lent I gave up swear words all together. When I slipped I had to put a quarter into my "swear bag". As my plight was kinda public on Facebook, several people would catch me and tell me to drop a quarter in as well. At the end of Lent, the money in the swear bag was donated to a charity of my choosing. Suffice it to say that last year's donation was fairly large between the snakes being out due to an early Spring and numerous other issues. But, one thing I am proud to say is that my use of the F-bomb dropped dramatically...I substituted the word "biscuit" every time I wanted to use the F word. So those of you who hear me say "biscuit" when I am not ordering breakfast now know what I really want to say.

This year, instead of being so wide open, I narrowed down my sacrifice to one word, it being the swear word for POOP. (It starts with a S, just in case you are wondering). I did this thinking maybe it wouldn't cost me as much. Yes, I shouldn't be about the money, but let's be realistic. Last years $167 donation stung just a bit.

With Little Man learning how to drive I have to admit, I say the bad Poop word A LOT while instructing/hanging on for dear life! Sometimes I say it several times in a row, "Poop...Poop, man you gotta STOP...Poop Poop Poop....BRAKE!!!" and when the vehicle finally comes to a stop I say "Damnit, I just about "pooped" my pants!" The driving lessons, working on a farm that produces "poop" in large quantities and the darn wiener dogs who like to poop on the sidewalk all have helped the "poop bag" reach a fairly heavy weight.

Does it really count if you are saying "shit" in reference to actual shit as opposed to saying "Oh Poop, I dropped my beer"?

Anyway, realizing that Easter is just around the corner, I counted up my quarters last weekend. Depending on my behavior the rest of the week, I looks like the Autism Speaks Foundation will be gaining roughly a $210 (plus 50 cents for this post alone) donation from the old "poop bag". At least some good comes from my potty mouth!

Happy Monday Folks!

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