Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday, dreaded Thursday

Welcome to Life in Suzi's Country. Several people within my Facebook circle have suggested that I start doing a blog. So, here goes. After a few beers tonight following a very long day, I am attempting it.

I will warn you in advance, most of my posts in Facebook world are slightly edited for content so as not to offend the general public. If you are easily offended by swear words (of which I will use several), political comments, references to sexual acts (of which there will be several), slight to severe depravity (which will depend on the day), etc, you will not enjoy this. Honestly, it would be in your own best interest to log out now and forget you ever saw this URL address. Otherwise, welcome to my world and now it's time to take the beginners tour. There will be funny posts, opinionated posts, tear jerker posts and occasionally or often, depending on the season, a drunk post.

One thing I promise, I will never name names or places of whom/what I am talking about (if someone could be hurt by this). Many of you who know me well may recognize yourself or our circle of friends, but please if you comment, let's not "out" anyone who may not want to be "outed". If you feel like outting yourself, go for it. While my filter may be thin, please be considerate of anyone else who may wish to live out their hi-jinks in privacy.

Also, one last "warning"...I have a very thin filter. I share a lot w/ my Facebook friends and soon to be blog followers. Whether it makes me look good, funny, scary, mean, republican or bitchy, I am who I am. I make no excuses for myself and don't ask for any. You will always know exactly where you stand with me and what my opinions are. While I try never to intentionally hurt anyone, my first priority will be to myself and those I care about. Most people who know me fall into two categories,  they either love me or they really want nothing to do with me. If you fall into the latter, please, log out and move on from this blog. You will not enjoy it at all.

One thing I am learning right off the bat is maybe typing after consuming 3 beers on an empty stomach ain't such a good idea. Those damn red lines keep showing up everywhere and my coordination is dwindling as I type so "right click" for suggestions ain't working out so well. Oh well, pretty sure no one is gonna grade this for grammar or spelling.

Brief introduction to those who may not know me on the sidewalk. I am ALMOST 42 years old as of this posting. I have been married to Hubby for 22 of those years. I have two sons whom I love with every fiber of my being. My oldest is my Army man. He is 21 years old and is turning into a wonderful man. He joined the USAR right out of high school and now works a full time job, lives on his own, and continues with his Army Reserve career. He recently moved into my father's house and is making it his home. My youngest, Little Guy, is 15 and is one of the funniest/quirkiest people I have ever had the pleasure to be around. He is a lot like his mom. You will read many stories about my husband and kids. They are the center of my universe.

I also have three wiener dogs whose names don't need changed for their own protection. Dirk Diggler, Katie Morgan and Thorton Bleu all share the house with Hubby, Little Guy and I. They are a constant source of laughter, exasperation, messes and cuss words. You will hear lots about them as well.

Now that you all, friends/foes/strangers have the very basic run-down of who I am, let the fun begin. Talk to you all soon.

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