Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sex in the Country...part 1

Caught you attention, didn't I? Don't worry, this is not a guide or a blow by blow (no pun intended) description. This is just some maybe not so random thoughts that have been floating about in my oh so warped mind the past few months.

Remember back when you first started dating? When holding hands in public was kinda a big deal? Was it a problem if he didn't hold your hand? When the first date anticipation was all about what position you took in the car: Do I sit in "my" seat or do I sit in the middle? Do I let him kiss me or make him wait? You plan and giggle with your friends for days preparing for that important first. What outfit are you wearing, what color eye shadow? Part the hair on the left or right? Meet the folks or not? Hell, the anticipation alone made you just "know" that THIS guy could be the ONE! Low and behold, your first date consists of dinner at McDonald's, (during which you don't eat because then he might think you are a cow) and a movie that inevitably starred Molly Ringwald, Rob Lowe, Sean Penn, Cher, Madonna or Andrew McCarthy.

While I realize I may not be remembered fondly or even remembered, I do know that I  remember the name of every first date I ever had as well as my first crush, kiss, grope, love, & broken heart received as well as given.  I am speaking only from the girl perspective. I have no idea what went through the minds of the males that I happened to share the wonderfully awkward experience with. Even with raising one son almost to completion and one half-way, I still have no clue as to how the male mind works on that issue. But that may be a topic for another day.

So, the first date was a success. This leads to dates 2 thru who knows. As the relationship progresses so does the pressure. The first kiss worries turn to questions like: over the shirt? Under the shirt? Bra up or bra off? Shirt on or off? Over the pants? In the pants? And so on and so forth. (Not going for 51 shades here) Now, at this point I have a pretty good idea what all males were thinking. "Will tonight be THE night she doesn't stop me??" And my God ladies, didn't we make them work hard?? When your boyfriend would spend hours kissing you, nibbling on your ears and throat just on the off chance you wouldn't stop the fun but knowing instinctively that you would! The subtle shift of your arm to keep him out of your shirt. The adjustment of your hips so the snap to your pants couldn't be reached. Ohhh, the excitement of the well choreographed dance just to end the night with a deep sigh and "Okay, we will stop." You pop up and readjust your clothing that may be slightly rumbled while he shifts very uncomfortably in the seat all the way to drop you off at home.

I soo would NEVER go back to being a teenager but damn, wasn't that fun?

A few points I think about are:

#1 Ladies, when was the last time the man in your life spent HOURS trying to coax you into sex while remaining fully clothed?
#2 Men, when was the last time you spent hours just seducing your lady?
#3 When was the last time you giggled with anticipation about an upcoming date? Married or Single?
#4 If we put half the energy into maintaining our relationships as adults as we did trying to get laid as teenagers, wouldn't the world be a much nicer place?

To be continued........