Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Hopefully, you have read this blog from beginning to end and that your readings have included my very first post (content warning)......if not STOP right now and go back to the beginning and start over. This post will fall into the "opinionated" category very easily. The controversy of same sex marriage is really a hot topic. So, of course I am going to chime in with my 50 cents worth.

I am not real liberal and I tend to lean more to the Republican side of the aisle when it comes to most political issues. Do I support Obama and think he is doing a good job as our president? No, I don't. I think he is failing miserably. Am I in favor of gun control? HELL no! Do I understand the 2nd amendment? Your damn right I do. Yes, I am a member of the NRA and also a pretty crack shot with both long guns and hand guns, (thanks Daddy). Do I support the death penalty for rapist, molesters and murderers? Oh yeah, I surely do. Lock em up and light em up. Do I think Pot should be legalized and taxed? Yes, I do. (Not many children of the 70's and 80's would be against this one). Illegal immigrants? Pack em up and send them home. ProLife or ProChoice? Even I am smart enough not to tackle that one. Even with my feelings on the above issues, there is one topic that I am fairly liberal on and that is the subject of same sex marriage.   

I love my husband, so we were married. Would my feelings be any different if I had fallen in love with another woman? No, they wouldn't, I just wouldn't have to put the seat down to pee. Would I still be someone you enjoy being around? I don't see why not, I am who I am, who I sleep with wouldn't change my basic personality. Would my ability to be a productive member of the work force change because of who I share my life with? No, it wouldn't. Would my ability to serve in the military be any different because of my sexual preference? No, it wouldn't. Should same sex couples be allowed to adopt? Hell yes! Should they be allowed to get married? Again, Yes! Sexual orientation isn't something we can or should try to legislate. Man + Woman = Family isn't the only option, nor should it be the only recognized union. 

I am a firm believer in equal rights. I believe a woman doing the same job as a man should receive the same pay. I believe the color of my skin should have no bearing at all on my ability to attend church, go to college, or join the work force. And when I say "equal" rights, that is exactly what I mean. I expect fair treatment of all. We should demand that all American Citizens are treated equally and fairly. Ethnicity shouldn't be an issue. Sexuality shouldn't be an issue. Gender shouldn't be an issue. My physical limitations shouldn't be an issue. My proven skills and future abilities should be the only issues under consideration when someone decides where I should be and what I can/can't do. On the other hand, I get really sick of groups that demand more for themselves than what my family or I am able to get. Equal rights to me means you get to enjoy all the so called "perks" as well as deal with all the shit everyone else has to deal with. Don't you DARE ask me for special consideration because you fall into a so called minority. Deal with it, just like we all do. 

I am not going to get into all the biblical implications of same sex marriage. Separation of Church and State folks! It's in there for a reason. The whole argument is the legalization of same sex marriage, not the religious implications. Honestly, doesn't our government have enough troubles to worry about than who is married to whom? I would much rather see our government tackling the economy, illegal immigration, elder care, welfare reform, etc. This whole thing is just such a waste of time, energy and resources. Let people marry whomever they choose. If Suzi chooses Hubby to marry, fine. If Jill chooses to marry Jane, fine. If Jack wants to marry William, so be it. How on earth does it effect the neighbors? What harm does it really cause? 

I realize not everyone will agree with my opinions on same sex marriage or equal rights, and I don't ask you to.  It is my God given ability to have an opinion, the same as you. The world would be awful boring if we all agreed on everything. I could go on and on about this but I think my views are pretty clear: Same sex marriage isn't an issue that politicians and judges should be involved in. 

Happy Tense Tuesday folks! 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Lent..a season of sacrifice or a season of Giving?

The last several years, being the good little Catholic girl that I am, instead of giving up a favorite food or drink I have tried to give up certain middle finger actions or verbalization of certain words. Last year during Lent I gave up swear words all together. When I slipped I had to put a quarter into my "swear bag". As my plight was kinda public on Facebook, several people would catch me and tell me to drop a quarter in as well. At the end of Lent, the money in the swear bag was donated to a charity of my choosing. Suffice it to say that last year's donation was fairly large between the snakes being out due to an early Spring and numerous other issues. But, one thing I am proud to say is that my use of the F-bomb dropped dramatically...I substituted the word "biscuit" every time I wanted to use the F word. So those of you who hear me say "biscuit" when I am not ordering breakfast now know what I really want to say.

This year, instead of being so wide open, I narrowed down my sacrifice to one word, it being the swear word for POOP. (It starts with a S, just in case you are wondering). I did this thinking maybe it wouldn't cost me as much. Yes, I know...it shouldn't be about the money, but let's be realistic. Last years $167 donation stung just a bit.

With Little Man learning how to drive I have to admit, I say the bad Poop word A LOT while instructing/hanging on for dear life! Sometimes I say it several times in a row, "Poop...Poop, man you gotta STOP...Poop Poop Poop....BRAKE!!!" and when the vehicle finally comes to a stop I say "Damnit, I just about "pooped" my pants!" The driving lessons, working on a farm that produces "poop" in large quantities and the darn wiener dogs who like to poop on the sidewalk all have helped the "poop bag" reach a fairly heavy weight.

Does it really count if you are saying "shit" in reference to actual shit as opposed to saying "Oh Poop, I dropped my beer"?

Anyway, realizing that Easter is just around the corner, I counted up my quarters last weekend. Depending on my behavior the rest of the week, I looks like the Autism Speaks Foundation will be gaining roughly a $210 (plus 50 cents for this post alone) donation from the old "poop bag". At least some good comes from my potty mouth!

Happy Monday Folks!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Simple Pleasures

Today has been a good day. I spent most of the morning behind a steering wheel with my favorite music just blasting away. This is one of my favorite ways to spend alone time, just driving and listening. It relaxes me and lets my mind wander where I sometimes don't allow it to go. Yeah, that's a scary trip, right...  ;)

As I drive here, there and yonder, my mind wanders to a recent conversation I had with my son, Army man. He moved out of our house roughly a year ago. He has worked his ass off to stand on his own two feet. While we may send some left-over Sunday dinner home with him, he hasn't asked us for anything. Shortly after he moved out, he realized very quickly how many things he took for granted living with us. Internet access...cable TV...food just appearing in the fridge, etc. I felt bad for him, going w/out these luxuries at first. I was all set to go get his cable turned on, the 'net going for him and to fill his fridge with food. Hubby said "no...if he needs something, he will ask. Let him be, he has to learn and he WILL learn if YOU just let him." I was kinda upset about that...ok, I was full blown pissed off at the time. But low and behold, Hubby was absolutely right. Army man called me this week, sounding like a little kid on Christmas morning. He had finally got up on his feet enough to afford Dish Network on his own! He was no longer forced to watch the same DVD's time and time again. Is it silly that something like this makes me swell up with pride? Well, if it does, then I am silly. Army man learned a lot this past year, but I think he should know this: I learned more than he did and that Hubby and I are pretty damn proud of him, even when there is only room in his fridge for tuna because the shelves are stacked so full of beer.

While doing my errands, work called so a Wal-Mart stop was added to the list. I park the car and head in. As I cross the parking lot, an old classmate hollers at me and crosses over to shake my hand. Seeing this man makes me smile because he always has a huge grin and a kind word for others. When we were in school, he was sometimes picked on because of his challenges. This didn't happen much after people realized how many would stand in front of him to prevent this. When Keith approached us in Wal-Mart when my boys were still very young, they would ask "who was that and how does he know you?". We would explain how we knew Keith and what his challenges were growing up. Nowadays when my Little Guy goes with me to the store, he will always take a moment to speak with Keith and ask him how his beloved Bears are doing. Yup, sometimes I think I may be doing this whole Mom thing OK after all! Keith and I spend some time catching up and off he goes to do his work. I go about my shopping with a smile staying (mostly) on my face. Keith will just do that for you. Next time you are in Olney Wal-Mart and see a cart pusher wearing his Bear's coat, take a moment and say "Hi!" you won't regret it for a single second!

When I headed toward home I decided to drop by and see a wonderful baby girl who is celebrating her 6 month birthday today. I smile every time I think about her being able to be home, with her mommy, daddy, and all the family and friends that love them all.  I knock on the door and wait, glancing around at the home these two young parents have made for themselves and again, I am forced to smile. You see, the daddy of this baby girl holds a special place in my heart and always will. Therefore, by extension, his wife and daughter are also in that spot with him. After waiting a few minutes I realize that they must be off celebrating the half birthday or whatever else may be on a busy young mom's schedule. I leave and head home still smiling and saying a word of thanks to the man upstairs for making sure this wonderful girl is home with her family, where she belongs.

So, I guess my theme for today is this: Stop, look around you, realize that what you have is special, no matter if it is cable TV and Beer, a kind word and a big smile, or that you can go home and hold your children close and give them a hug. These are the things that are important...the things you really CAN'T put a price tag on. Happy Friday Folks!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday, dreaded Thursday

Welcome to Life in Suzi's Country. Several people within my Facebook circle have suggested that I start doing a blog. So, here goes. After a few beers tonight following a very long day, I am attempting it.

I will warn you in advance, most of my posts in Facebook world are slightly edited for content so as not to offend the general public. If you are easily offended by swear words (of which I will use several), political comments, references to sexual acts (of which there will be several), slight to severe depravity (which will depend on the day), etc, you will not enjoy this. Honestly, it would be in your own best interest to log out now and forget you ever saw this URL address. Otherwise, welcome to my world and now it's time to take the beginners tour. There will be funny posts, opinionated posts, tear jerker posts and occasionally or often, depending on the season, a drunk post.

One thing I promise, I will never name names or places of whom/what I am talking about (if someone could be hurt by this). Many of you who know me well may recognize yourself or our circle of friends, but please if you comment, let's not "out" anyone who may not want to be "outed". If you feel like outting yourself, go for it. While my filter may be thin, please be considerate of anyone else who may wish to live out their hi-jinks in privacy.

Also, one last "warning"...I have a very thin filter. I share a lot w/ my Facebook friends and soon to be blog followers. Whether it makes me look good, funny, scary, mean, republican or bitchy, I am who I am. I make no excuses for myself and don't ask for any. You will always know exactly where you stand with me and what my opinions are. While I try never to intentionally hurt anyone, my first priority will be to myself and those I care about. Most people who know me fall into two categories,  they either love me or they really want nothing to do with me. If you fall into the latter, please, log out and move on from this blog. You will not enjoy it at all.

One thing I am learning right off the bat is maybe typing after consuming 3 beers on an empty stomach ain't such a good idea. Those damn red lines keep showing up everywhere and my coordination is dwindling as I type so "right click" for suggestions ain't working out so well. Oh well, pretty sure no one is gonna grade this for grammar or spelling.

Brief introduction to those who may not know me on the sidewalk. I am ALMOST 42 years old as of this posting. I have been married to Hubby for 22 of those years. I have two sons whom I love with every fiber of my being. My oldest is my Army man. He is 21 years old and is turning into a wonderful man. He joined the USAR right out of high school and now works a full time job, lives on his own, and continues with his Army Reserve career. He recently moved into my father's house and is making it his home. My youngest, Little Guy, is 15 and is one of the funniest/quirkiest people I have ever had the pleasure to be around. He is a lot like his mom. You will read many stories about my husband and kids. They are the center of my universe.

I also have three wiener dogs whose names don't need changed for their own protection. Dirk Diggler, Katie Morgan and Thorton Bleu all share the house with Hubby, Little Guy and I. They are a constant source of laughter, exasperation, messes and cuss words. You will hear lots about them as well.

Now that you all, friends/foes/strangers have the very basic run-down of who I am, let the fun begin. Talk to you all soon.