Sunday, August 14, 2016

Empty Nesting

I woke up this morning to a house empty of kids. No, this isn't the first time I've woke up and they weren't home, but today is the first time that it falls into a more 'permanent' category. I have to say, my heart hurts just a little and a tear or two may have fallen as I glanced into that emptier (and dirty!) bedroom. I sat down with my morning caffeine and thought things over. After thinking (bawling) for just a little bit, I got up, gathered up an empty trash bag, laundry hamper and Swiffer and started cleaning his room. The aggravation of the mess in his room helps me get through the sad.

I have a 25 year old son. He moved out for good at the age of 20 and hasn't looked back. Dakota lives in Alabama, has bought his own home and is holding down a damn good job. He is building a life that I am proud to have contributed to the foundation of. There have been bumps in the road as he learned what being an adult is all about but he never once has asked us to bail him out or to fix his problems. He is living his life as he was raised to live it. We told him all we want for him is to be happy, support himself and family and to pass on the morals and values we taught him. Check!

BoDee moved into his college dorm yesterday. He will be playing football, carrying a full credit load (and then some to be honest) and working a campus job. I'm positive that he will also find some fun while he's away stretching his wings for the first time, as he should. He is excited to begin this next phase of his life and was more than a little nervous, if I am to be honest. As I watched my baby boy interact with his new team and coaches, wearing his adorable smile, I had to be happy for him. While the mom in me saw the touch of fear in his eyes as he hugged me goodbye, he told me "I will be fine" while grinning that BoDee grin we all love. And you know what? He will be more than fine. I look forward to watching him work and play hard the next four years.

All in all, at the risk of bragging just a little, I think Phillip and I did pretty good raising these two young men. They understand hard work is required to get what you want in life, be it material extras or food to live. They understand that the world owes them nothing and they have to get what they want and need on their own, it won't be handed to them. On top of that, they are damn good men who enjoy life much in the same way I do, with humor and an occasional touch of snarky sarcasm. We've raised them to be responsible and kind but to never be a door mat.

So I sit here, with a wiener dog in my lap, listening to the silence and I am proud. Phillip and I have all but accomplished what every parent's goal in life should be. We've raised independent and productive children. These two men are my best accomplishment and I am proud to be their Mom!

Now comes the fun part of adulthood. Phillip and I will begin our transition into middle age/empty nest. I look forward to driving 4 hours north and 6 hours south on a regular basis. And the very small but mischievous part of my brain is already making some plans to keep myself busy and hopefully out of any serious trouble!