Monday, November 18, 2013

The more things change....

Wow, it's hard to believe that the holidays are coming full steam! Tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of my dad passing away. Can't believe it's went by this fast. I would like to think I am healing and moving on with life as I should. Most days, I would say 'yup, doing ok'.

My Army man has found a new girlfriend. I approve, not that it matters one way or another in the whole scheme of things. She seems like a nice young woman and I am pretty sure that her little girl is going to have me wrapped around her little finger if I get to spend very much time with her at all. The first night I met the little one, after just a few hours she wanted to give me "happy smacks". I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, because when you have raised two boys, a smack is not usually a good thing! But apparently a 'happy smack' from a sweet little 2 year old involves hugs and kisses! The best thing about the new girl in his life is that he is happier than I have seen him in months, if not years. I have a feeling that if the little one and her mom hang around much longer that I will have to come up with aliases for them so that they can be included in this blog. I am betting the little one will provide much fodder for me to write about. Probably making more fun of myself and my struggles with dealing with little girls, hair ribbons, baby dolls, etc. OMG..I just freaked myself out a bit with that thought....

My little guy just turned 16 a couple days ago and bought his first car. We are calling it the pimp mobile as it is a black Cadillac. He has bought a good car at a reasonable price so that is all good, even though the cassette deck confused him a fair amount. Talk about a change in lifestyle for Hubby and I! I remember when Army man got his license he disappeared at every opportunity. Now that the Little Guy is driving, hubby and I are kinda sitting around looking at each other a lot wondering what to do? No kid to pick up after school, no practice to sit in the parking lot waiting on completion, etc! It's kinda nice and a lot strange. Little Guy is a lot less confident in driving around by himself than what his older brother was, but he will get there and will be disappearing more and more. Job applications are flying through his little hands as fast as he can fill them out. He is desperate to find a job that doesn't involve hogs and Boss Dad!

Date night came into play last Saturday and it was nice to be able to go out once again, just the two of us. We visited the Tuscany Grill in Robinson and was very impressed. Went to walmart afterward (wahoo!) and came home. I think Hubby and I are going to have to revamp the date night rules so that WalMart isn't an option for entertainment on date night. I am hoping this adjustment period will go smoothly for hubby and I as we learn even more about being US again as opposed to just being Dad and Mom.

Our youngest wiener has completely went nuts the last couple weeks. I swear she has a little wiener meth lab hidden somewhere in the house. She goes from perfectly normal, napping wiener to full on psycho mode at the drop of a hat. I don't think all three of the previous wieners were nearly as ornery and destructive as this one little shit is. Another underwear buying mission will soon have to be completed, for the whole family! ..little pervy wiener is hell on them!

Proud mom moment also recently occurred. My Little guy asked me if we were once again going to deliver gifts to Crossroads Cancer patients like we did last year. My heart just swelled when I realized how well both of my boys have learned the whole 'random act of kindness' lessons. And yes, the good Lord willing, we will once again deliver Christmas cards with a little something something in it for the patients, hopefully making their Christmas just a little easier while they fight the cancer beast. And who knows...maybe the new girlfriend and her little one (man, I really gotta name them!) will join us in what I hope continues as a family holiday tradition!

Last but not least, I spent most of the month of October with my big brother working at cleaning up dad's place and preparing his final resting place. I am so proud of how everything turned out. Dad and Mom are resting together, as they should be. It has finally been decided that my Army man will for sure have Dad's place. This makes me very happy knowing that it will remain in the family. Army Man is buying the pond side of the land from my brother and I am deeding the house and what would have been my property over to him. He will have a nice place to start building his life with and hubby and I will always have fishing rights. ;)

Getting this task completed and completed well, if I do say so myself, has helped me more than anything else this past year. Big Brother and I are closer now than what we have ever been and that is such a treasure to me. I hope he reads this and realizes how very important that he and his family are to me and mine!

Happy Monday folks, if you get a out a complete stranger whenever you can. You will be amazed at the kindness that comes back to you!